Fundong council: updated Council Development Plan validated
The Plan was validated during the administrative and management accounts session of the council.
The Fundong Council in the Boyo Division of the North West Region now has an up – to – date Council Development Plan designed to respond to the present challenges in the municipality.
The former CDP validated in 2016 did not take into consideration certain issues like climate change, children, persons living with disabilities, vulnerable members of the municipality amongst others.
Before presenting the Council Development Plan for validation, Mr. Tombir Stanley representing the Local Support Organization (LSO) of the council, the Society for Initiatives in Rural Development and Environmental Protection (SIRDEP) explained that the plan that takes into consideration 27 communities in the Fundong municipality has elaborated social, economic and environmental programmes.
The Mayor of the Fundong Council, Denis Awoh Ndang who chaired the council session of Friday April 13th 2018 where the CDP was validated addressed the councilors saying “the importance of this working document cannot be over emphasized, it remains the most important working development document not only at the level of the council but at the national and international levels”.
The Mayor cautioned his collaborators to make good use of the document stating that “the government will use it to programme its Public Investments Budgets, PIB and funding partners both at the national and international levels shall exploit it at each time they want to come to our assistance”.
The Friday April 13 council session at the Fundong Council equally gave room for the adoption of the 2017 council’s accounts.
Mayor Denis Awoh Ndong of the Fundong Council who congratulated his team for the achievements of last year did not hesitate to praise the efforts and contributions from partners.
The Mayor on behalf of the council appreciated the efforts made by the National Community Driven Development Program, PNDP in accompanying the Fundong Councilin its development endeavors. He said Projects realized with the support of the PNDP are the construction of two classrooms, a VIP toilet, a head teacher’s office and the extension of portable water at GS IKuijua. The construction of the Meshang Bridge at Akeh will soon commence, He added.
Besides the projects sponsored by the PNDP, the Mayor presented some projects realized with other partners and funds from the council.
The extension of street lights, bulldozing and opening of roads, supply and provision of pipes and roofing sheets to the needy communities, construction of classrooms and integrated health centers among others could be cited as examples.
Another major project announced this year by the Mayor is the eminent construction of 108 sheds in the Fundong market to the tune of 250 million FCFA coming from FEICOM.
After Validating the Council Development Plan, the councilors of the Fundong Council also adopted the management account that witnessed an increase of 22 percent with a drop in internal revenue and increase of about 70 percent of budget realization.
The council session was an occasion for the Mayor to celebrate the election of one of their councilors now senator, Ajouh Ngam Honore, elected on the SDF ticket during the senatorial elections of March the 25.
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