South Region – fifteen shops consumed by flames at Ebolowa market

South Region – fifteen shops consumed by flames at Ebolowa market

The fire incident occurred this 21st of February 2019 behind the municipal circle of Ebolowa, the intervention of the firefighters however controlled the flames.

The fire incident is said to have occurred at about four o’clock in the morning, said Theophile Talissa, that he received a phone call about the fire incident and quickly rushed to the scene, while there, the flames had gone uncontrollable, in collaboration with the firefighters and the police, they prevented the rest of the shops.

No life was lost, but the material damages were enormous, ranging from sewing workshops, hairdressers, photo studios, restaurants, dresses, shoemakers and other small businesses were not spared out by the flames, however some objects were recovered but which do not represent much.

The commander Awana, head of the local fire brigade in Ebolowa, “it is at four in the morning that we are alerted that there is a fire here. The record is heavy everything suggests that it is a short circuit that would be at the origin. You see these anarchic installations”, he said. At the more light on this fire.

Précedent Local governance: Doumaintang municipality to the test
Suivant Burkina-Faso : la mairie de l’arrondissement N°9 de Ouagadougou, se dote d’un nouveau siège


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