Douala: Confrontation between the municipal police and Mboppi market traders

Douala: Confrontation between the municipal police and Mboppi market traders

The general meeting of the Mboppi market traders association was    interrupted by administrative authority of Douala 1 on January 24th, 2019.

There was high tension between the traders and municipal police this Thursday 24th January 2019 during a working session organized by traders association in Mboppi market. The traders were displaced out of the commercial esplanade which happens to be one of the largest markets in Central Africa.

The meeting was organized by Alice Maguedjio, the president of Mboppi Traders Union; the aim was to solve financial difficulties and insecurity that prevail in the market.  Authorization was first granted by the deputy prefect of Douala 1, Jean Marie Tchakui. In the course of the meeting, the police municipality storms the area and halted the meeting saying that another decision was signed the same day banning the event.

What actually provoke the tension was the logistics of the event that was taken away by the police municipality. One of the traders said they are surprised, that an event that was authorized and later was banned without notice. As of the moment calm has returned to the market.


Source: Cameroon info.

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