Limbe celebrates his 160 years with arts and culture
The celebration of the 160th anniversary of the town coincides with the 5th edition of the annual Limbe Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC) which aims at selling the rich cultural heritage of Cameroons diverse ethnic groups.
To mark the anniversary celebration, a monument would be erected in the town and the laying of the foundation stone for the monument took place on Saturday April 7, 2018 during the official opening of FESTAC.
Arts and Culture Minister Narcisse Mouelle Kombi presided at the ceremony in the presence of South West regional governor Bernard Okalia Bilai and the British High Commissioner to Cameroon, Rowan James Laxton including the government delegate to the Limbe city council, Andrew Motanga Monjimba.
In his welcome speech the government delegate to the Limbe city council described Limbe as a town founded on diversity which has stood the test of time to become the present “Town of Frendship”, he added that the celebration is taking place at a time when the nation is going through a lot in the Anglophone crisis but thanked the Government for mastering the situation. Government’s representative, Arts and Culture Minister, Narcisse Mouelle Kombi underscored the importance of the two events which to him are timely and should inspire youths to know their roots and culture.
In a show of talents for the double events, dance groups from all the ten (10) regions of Cameroon, who were accompanied by those from Togo, Benin, Gabon and Nigeria displayed placards with messages of peace, unity and living together.
Activities to mark the celebration ended on Saturday April 14, 2018.
TheLimbe city
The town of Limbe in the south west region formerly known as Victoria was created in 1858 on the Southern slopes of Mount Cameroon by British Missionary Alfred Saker. It was initially known as Victoria nut in 1982; President Ahmadou ahidjo renamed it as Limbe.
In 2005 following the general population census, the population of Limbe was estimated at 84,223 inhabitants.
In 2008, the Limbe city council was created with Samuel Ebiama Lifanda as pioneer government delegate. It is made up of four councils; the Limbe city council having a government delegate at its helm, Limbe I, Limbe II, Limbe III having Mayors each.
Since 2014 the Limbe city council has been organizing an annual festival of arts and culture du FESTAC bringing together all the etnic groups in the country to celebrate culture in its diversity.
Limbe was recently acknowledged by the Cameroonian government for its role played in the trade of slaves. The current site, BIMBIA is being restored for tourists who would like to understand how slaves made their way from far distance to the coastal city.
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