Urban developement: Bangangté Municipal Stadium by Célestine Ketcha Courtes

Urban developement: Bangangté Municipal Stadium by Célestine Ketcha Courtes

Ministry of urban developement Ketcha Courtes has temporarily closed down the municipal stadium for 2019 season, due to construction works going on.

In a letter addressed to the director of the municipal stadium of Bangangte and whose objective is notice against the commissioning of the Bangangte municipal stadium under construction , the mayor who benefited of a ministerial appointment on January 4th 2019 as minister of housing and urban development, opposed the opening of the stadium for League 2 games this season.

As consequences Nkambe Bang Bullet and Panthere du Nde that was scheduled for Wednesday 6th February 2019 for the third day of League 2, is relocated to Yaoundé. However the sport officials were surprised but could only respect it.

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