Umushyikirano 2018 : Kagame’s call for unity and accountability

The opening ceremony of the 16th edition of Umushyikirano was presided over by Rwandan Head of State Paul Kagame.

For the 16th time, the Rwandan Annual National Dialogue, also called Umushyikirano, kicked off on the 13th of December 2018 in the Kigali Convention Centre. It brought together people from all works of life that discussed matters affecting the country, hunted for solutions and mapped the way forward.

The event which was presided over by the President of the Republic of Rwanda H.E Paul Kagame, with the Kigali Convention Centre jam-packed with about 3000 Rwandans and guest from all over the world who had come to discuss issues that concerned Rwandans and Rwanda.

In his opening speech, Mr Kagame made mentioned of three mains points. First, the unity and collaboration amongst Rwandans. Second, accountability. The president said that citizens should work such that they feel accountable of all that they are doing knowing that there will be consequences either individually or the other who may lose. That is why accountability is important, the president repeats.Third, “Think big about yourself, the future of the country Rwanda” he said.

He also said the above three points should guide the participants during and after the event. He added if the three points are respected, a citizen will be able to talk to people that they have carried out their duties. He charged the Prime Minister to continue with the follow up of these guides.

To conlude, he encouraged Rwandanss to work with neighbours out of the country despite challenges.

Also on this topic :

Umushyikirano 2018 : The main resolutions

Précedent Umushyikirano 2018 : The main resolutions
Suivant Hygiène et désordre urbain : La Communauté urbaine de Douala arrête ses objectifs


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