F. MINT ABDEL MALICK: New president of WNMA

Abdel MalickHer name is Ms. Fatimetou Mint Abdel Malick, Mayor of Tevrah-Zeina in the sprawling capital, Nouakchott, Mauritania. She was the first woman to take office as a Mayor in her country. Her election as President of the Women’s Network of Mayors in Africa has confirmed her stature of a champion and a leader.

First elected in 2001, Mayor Abdel Malick, said: “I felt the responsibility and expectations heavily back then. I had to succeed to open the doors for other women to follow. And I indeed wanted to improve the conditions for all of the inhabitants in Tevragh-Zeina. Party politics ends when you are elected, you should then represent the interest of your entire constituency”, she said.

Today, there are four women elected Mayors in Mauritania, and more potential candidates. Mayor Abdel Malick has what she describes as a “modern outlook on how her city should be managed and grow.” Her approach is an open door policy, listening to the citizens and making room for participation. Since she was elected, she has prioritized access to basic services, improved education, created public spaces such as playgrounds and municipal parks where free Wi-Fi is provided thus attracting many young people to gather there.


Précedent Le nouveau bureau de Cglua
Suivant Africities 6: Final Declaration


Kamdem Souop
Kamdem Souop 343 Articles

Écrivain, éditeur et spécialiste de communication sur le changement de comportement social, il a dirigé le journal en ligne www.villesetcommunes.info et la WebTv www.villesetcommunes.tv de 2011 à 2020.

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